Terms and conditions


The online store, operating under the address sklep.amu.edu.pl, is run by Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, with its seat in Poznań, ul. H. Wieniawskiego 1, 61–712 Poznań, NIP [Tax ID]: 7770006350, REGON [Statistical ID]: 000001293, T: (61) 829 44 16, e-mail address: sklepuam@amu.edu.pl. 

The Terms and Conditions of the online store operating under the address sklep.amu.edu.pl define detailed conditions and rules of concluding and performing sales agreements between the Seller and the Ordering Party. 

1 Definitions 

  1. Seller – Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań with its seat in Poznań, ul. H. Wieniawskiego 1, 61–712 Poznań, NIP [Tax ID]: 7770006350, REGON [Statistical ID]: 000001293. 
  2. Ordering Party – Consumer or Entrepreneur who has set up an individual account on the Store’s website by registering as a user, as well as a Consumer or Entrepreneur who does not have an individual account on the Store’s website (i.e. has not registered as a user) and has placed an Order. 
  3. Consumer – a natural person making a legal transaction with a trader where such a transaction is not directly related to the commercial or professional activity of this person. 
  4. Entrepreneur – a natural person, a legal person or an organisational unit without legal personality, conducting a business or professional activity in their own name. 
  5. Store – the online store operated by the Seller at sklep.amu.edu.pl. 
  6. Products – goods presented in the Store, in particular promotional items, office supplies, clothing, stationery, data media, publications, etc., which may be the subject of an Order from the Ordering Party. 
  7. Order – an offer to conclude the Agreement under the terms and conditions specified in the Terms and Conditions, addressed by the Ordering Party to the Seller. 
  8. Agreement – the sales agreement concluded between the Ordering Party and the Seller in accordance with the Order. 
  9. Terms and Conditions – the regulations of the Store. 


2 General provisions 

  1. The Seller is the owner and is solely responsible for the Store. 
  2. The Seller sells the Products online on the sklep.amu.edu.pl website on the territory of Poland, according to the rules specified in the Terms and Conditions. 
  3. The information presented on the sklep.amu.edu.pl website is not an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code. This information constitutes a call for tenders, i.e. for an Order by the Ordering Party. 
  4. By placing an Order, the Ordering Party accepts the Terms and Conditions and undertakes to comply with them. 
  5. In order to use the Store, including to browse it and make purchases, the following requirements are necessary:
    1. a device with access to the Internet,
    2. a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari,
    3. an active electronic mail (e-mail) account.
  6. The Ordering Party undertakes to refrain from any activities that may affect the proper functioning of the Store; this includes the prohibition of supplying unlawful content. 
  7. The Seller reserves the right to discontinue the sale of certain Products presented on the Store’s website, to introduce new Products to the Store, and to change the prices of the Products, with the proviso that the Ordering Party and the Seller are bound by the prices of the Products appearing on the Store’s website at the time of the Ordering Party’s placement of the Order, which from that moment, are not subject to change in the scope of the Order placed. 
  8. The Seller may launch promotional, discount and other actions, and their terms will be specified on the Store’s subpages. 
  9. The Seller is obliged to deliver Products without defects. 
  10. Every Ordering Party may only have one individual account on the Store’s website at any one time.


3 Prices, receipts and invoices 

  1. The prices of all Products are shown on the Store’s website, and are expressed in PLN and include VAT. 
  2. Shipping costs are added to the Order, according to the form declared by the Ordering Party when placing the Order. 
  3. The Seller includes a fiscal receipt in each delivery. The Seller may issue a VAT invoice if the Ordering Party wishes a VAT invoice to be served. The Ordering Party is then obliged to provide the Seller with all the data required to issue a VAT invoice, in accordance with the applicable regulations.


4 Orders 

  1. The Ordering Party places the Order directly on the Store’s website by selecting one of the following options:
    1. by making a purchase without registering and logging in,
    2. by making the first purchase with simultaneous registration on the Store’s website through creating an individual user account and providing their data necessary for the completion of the Order, and with simultaneous activation of the logging option, whereby the creation of the account is subject to the submission of a request to start the performance of the service before the expiry of the 14-day period to withdraw from the Agreement, as referred to in the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act of 30 May 2014 (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827, as amended)
    3. with an individual user account after logging in.
  2. Placing an Order requires:
    1. the Ordering Party to first fill in, correctly, the Order form indicated on the Store’s website,
    2. the Ordering Party to first read and accept the Terms and Conditions,
    3. the Ordering Party, who is a natural person, to first give their consent to the processing of the personal data contained in the Order for the purposes of its completion.
  3. Placing an Order by the Ordering Party consists of indicating the Product they wish to purchase and selecting “Add to basket” or an equivalent command. 
  4. The Order procedure ends with the selection of the “I place the order with obligation to pay” command or equivalent, which signifies the completion of the purchase process by the Ordering Party. 
  5. After the Ordering Party has submitted a correctly filled-in Order form, the Seller sends a confirmation of the Order acceptance to the e-mail address as specified by the Ordering Party in the Order. The confirmation contains, in particular, the information on the subject of the Order, quantity and price of the Products (unit and total), rules of payment, manner and cost of delivery, dispatch data, deadline for the Order completion, together with the Terms and Conditions enclosed, model withdrawal form and instructions concerning the right to withdraw from the Agreement. 
  6. The Agreement is deemed to have been concluded as soon as the Seller has commenced performance of the Agreement in due course. The Ordering Party will receive an e-mail from the Seller containing a confirmation of the Order placement. The Order, together with the Terms and Conditions, constitutes the terms of the Agreement, taking into account the correctness and accuracy of the Ordering Party’s address and contact details, as well as the terms of payment compliant with the Terms and Conditions. The Ordering Party is bound by the text of the Terms and Conditions in force at the time the Order is placed. 
  7. The Ordering Party is entitled to make changes to the Order, as well as to cancel the Order until it is dispatched by the Seller, without incurring any consequences for doing so, by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address provided on the Store’s website. 
  8. An Order modified by the Ordering Party with regard to the Product or its quantity results in the expiry of the Agreement concluded on the basis of the previously placed Order, to the extent as specified by the Ordering Party. The indication by the Ordering Party of new data concerning the Product or its quantity constitutes a new Order. 
  9. If the completion of the Order is not possible, the Seller notifies the Ordering Party of this fact immediately upon receipt of the Order, by sending an e-mail to the address indicated in the Order by the Ordering Party. The Seller’s inability to complete the Order means rejection of the Ordering Party’s offer indicated in the Order. 
  10. If the partial completion of the Order by the Seller is not possible (e.g. due to the lack of any of the ordered Products), the Ordering Party, upon being informed of this fact in the manner as specified in paragraph 9, may resign from the remaining feasible part of the Order by sending an e-mail containing a declaration of resignation to the e-mail address of the Seller provided on the Store’s website. The Ordering Party has the possibility to cancel the Order without any consequences thereof, within 2 working days from the moment of receiving a notice from the Seller that the Order cannot be completed in part. A working day is defined as a day from Monday to Friday, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Failure by the Ordering Party to submit a declaration of cancellation of the remaining feasible part of the Order means that it will be completed by the Seller in that part. 
  11. In the event of temporary unavailability of any of the ordered Products, after the Ordering Party has received information from the Seller in accordance with the procedure set out in paragraph 9, the Ordering Party may:
    1. with respect to the Products available – confirm the Order for completion; with respect to the Products temporarily unavailable – agree with the Seller on a new date for the Order completion, with the proviso that the Ordering Party bears the costs of delivery once,
    2. resign from the entire Order, which has the effect of releasing the Seller from the obligation to complete the Order in its entirety,
    3. resign from the Order with respect to the Product that is temporarily unavailable, at the same time confirming the Order for completion with respect to the remaining available Products, in which case the Seller is obliged to complete the Order in the part covering the available Products.


5 Order completion and delivery 

  1. The Order completion time, subject to paragraph 2 and Section 6, is up to 4 working days after the Order is placed by the Ordering Party, and covers the period from the Order being placed by the Ordering Party to being dispatched by the Seller. The completion time may be extended to 14 days due to the organisation of the Store’s work, which will be announced by the Seller on the Store’s website. 
  2. In the situation described in Section 4(8), the Order completion time is up to 4 working days from the moment the Ordering Party was notified that the Order cannot be completed in part and did not submit a declaration of resignation from completion of the remaining feasible part of the Order, subject to Section 6. 
  3. The time limit for providing the Order to the Ordering Party includes the time for completion, as referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, as well as the time for delivery of the Order by the carrier. 
  4. The Products as ordered may be delivered in the following forms, at the choice of the Ordering Party:
    1. via the Polish Post (Poczta Polska),
    2. in person collection by the Customer at the Seller’s premises,
    3. in person collection by the person designated by the Customer at the Seller’s premises.
  5. All information related to the completion of the Order and delivery is contained in the Seller’s confirmation of the Order acceptance. 
  6. The Ordering Party is obliged to check the condition of the consignment at the time of collection, in particular that it has not been damaged or destroyed during transport. If there are any comments or objections, these should be notified to the person making the delivery and noted on the acknowledgement of receipt. 
  7. If a defect (physical or legal) is found, the Ordering Party (applies only to Consumers) is obliged to notify the Seller of this defect. If the Product has a defect, the Ordering Party (applies only to Consumers) may make a declaration to reduce the price or withdraw from the Agreement, unless the Seller, immediately and without excessive inconvenience for the Ordering Party, replaces the defective item with a defect-free Product or remedies the defect. The limitation referred to in the preceding sentence does not apply if the Product has already been replaced or repaired by the Seller or the Seller has failed to fulfil their obligation to replace the item with a defect-free Product or to remedy the defect. 
  8. In addition, if the Ordering Party is a Consumer, they may, instead of the remedy of the defect proposed by the Seller, demand the replacement of the Product with a defect-free Product, or demand the remedy of the defect instead of the replacement of the Product, unless bringing the item to conformity with the Agreement in a manner chosen by the Ordering Party who is a Consumer is impossible or would require excessive costs in comparison with the manner proposed by the Seller. 
  9. The Ordering Party may not withdraw from the Agreement if the defect is insignificant. 
  10. The Seller shall not be liable for defects in the Product if the Ordering Party was aware of these defects at the time the Agreement was concluded. 
  11. The Seller shall not be liable vis-à-vis the Ordering Party who is a Consumer for the fact that the Product as sold does not have the characteristics arising from the public assurances referred to in Article 5561 2 of the Civil Code if the Seller did not know these assurances and, judging reasonably, could not have known them or they could not have influenced the Ordering Party’s decision to conclude the Agreement, or if their content was corrected before the conclusion of the Agreement. 
  12. In the case specified in paragraphs 6 and 7, the Ordering Party and the Seller proceed in accordance with Section 7 of the Terms and Conditions. 


6 Payment terms 

  1. The Ordering Party can only make payment for the ordered Products using the Przelewy24 system. 
  2. The Order is directed for dispatch after the funds are credited on the Seller’s bank account. Failure to make a payment within 10 days from the date of the Order confirmation will result in the Seller rejecting the offer to conclude the Agreement. 


7 Complaints 

  1. Products that do not comply with the Agreement are subject to complaint. The provisions of Section 5(7–11) of the Terms and Conditions apply to the Ordering Parties who are Consumers. 
  2. The Product under complaint shall be sent to the Seller’s address at the Ordering Party’s expense (the cost burden does not apply to Consumers). 
  3. The Seller will inform the Ordering Party of the complaint result within 30 days of its receipt, on paper or any other permanent medium (e.g. e-mail). 
  4. If the Seller does not provide the Ordering Party with a reply to the complaint within the time limit specified in paragraph 3, it shall be deemed that the Seller has acknowledged the complaint (applies only to Consumers). 
  5. In addition, if the Seller rejects a complaint from the Ordering Party who is a Consumer, the Seller shall indicate in the text of the reply whether they agree to an out-of-court settlement of the dispute. 
  6. The Seller is not liable for defects and damage caused by the Ordering Party. 
  7. For the Ordering Parties who are Entrepreneurs, the Seller’s liability under warranty with regard to the Product is excluded. 
  8. To the extent not regulated in the Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply to the Ordering Parties who are Entrepreneurs. 


8 Returns 

  1. The products as ordered may be returned in accordance with the Consumer Rights Act of 30 May 2014 (Journal of Laws 2014.827) within 14 days of their receipt, without stating a reason. Detailed information concerning the exercise of the right of withdrawal is provided in Appendix 1 to these Terms and Conditions. 
  2. The Ordering Party may only exercise the right of withdrawal if the returned goods are undamaged and their condition is such that they can continue to be sold. 
  3. The Product returned on the basis of paragraph 1 should be sent back to the Seller’s address with a written declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement by the Ordering Party (model withdrawal form is provided in Appendix 2 to the Terms and Conditions), along with indication of the bank account number to which the Seller will reimburse the price. 
  4. The Seller does not accept cash on delivery. 


9 Personal data protection 

  1. The Seller undertakes to protect the personal data provided to it in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018 (Journal of Laws, item 1000, as amended) and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ EU L, 119, 2016, p. 1, as amended). 
  2. Details of data protection are set out in the Privacy Policy. 
  3. When registering on the Store’s website, as well as when placing an Order, the Ordering Party agrees to the processing and use of their personal data for the purpose of completing the Order. 
  4. The Ordering Party is entitled to inspect their data, amend their data or request their deletion. 


10 Final provisions 

  1. In matters not regulated by the Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Civil Code apply, and with regard to Consumers, also the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act of 30 May 2014 (Journal of Laws 2014.827, as amended). 
  2. For the Ordering Parties who are not Consumers, the common court with jurisdiction over the Seller’s registered office shall have jurisdiction. 
  3. The content of the Terms and Conditions is made available on the Store’s website via a link on the website, where the Ordering Parties may download them, in particular in order to make a printout. 
  4. If the Terms and Conditions are amended, the Seller shall advise of this fact on the Store’s website by placing a notice of the amendment and of its scope, and this notice shall be kept on the Store’s website for at least 14 days; additionally, the Ordering Party shall be informed of the amendment to the Terms and Conditions and of its scope also by a message sent to the e-mail address indicated by them during registration. 
  5. If the Terms and Conditions are amended, the Ordering Party has the right to accept the content of the amendments to the Terms and Conditions via the Store’s website within 14 days from the date of first logging into an individual account on the Store’s website after information on the amendments to the Terms and Conditions has been made available in accordance with paragraph 4. Failure to accept the amendments within the period referred to in the preceding sentence shall be tantamount to termination of the Terms and Conditions by the Ordering Party and a request to delete the Ordering Party’s individual account on the Store’s website. 
  6. Amendments to the Terms and Conditions in respect of each Ordering Party shall take effect as soon as the Ordering Party accepts the amendments to the Terms and Conditions. 
  7. The Ordering Party may request the deletion of an individual account belonging to them at any time. 
  8. In order to exercise the right referred to in paragraph 7, the Ordering Party may make a declaration in writing or by e-mail. 
  9. The Seller shall delete the account within 14 days of receipt of the Ordering Party’s request to delete the account in accordance with paragraph 5 or paragraph 7. 
  10. The submission of a request for account deletion shall not affect Orders placed by the Ordering Party prior to the submission of the declaration referred to in paragraph 8. 
  11. If the Ordering Party who is a registered user with an individual account in the Store violates the law or these Terms and Conditions, the Seller may temporarily prevent access to their account and call upon them, by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address provided during registration, to cease the violations within 7 days. 
  12. If the user ceases violations and informs the Seller of this fact by email, the Seller shall provide renewed access to the user’s individual account within 7 days of receiving the email from the user. 
  13. If a registered user with an individual account in the Store does not cease violations within the time limit as specified in paragraph 11, the Seller shall immediately delete the account of this user. 
  14. Re-registration of a user whose account has been deleted under paragraph 13 is only possible with the prior consent of the Seller. 
  15. In the event of any objections regarding the functioning of the Store, the Ordering Party has the right to lodge a complaint by e-mail to sklepuam@amu.edu.pl or by using the contact form on the Store’s website. 
  16. The Seller shall handle the complaint referred to in paragraph 15 within 30 days of receipt of the e-mail containing the objections as per Section 7.